Direct Debit Managed Service

FastPay’s Managed Service gives you access to the power of Direct Debit, allowing you to collect payments from customers quickly and efficiently without having to obtain your own Service User Number (SUN) from your bank

Powerful integrations

Backed by industry standards

Direct Debit offers:

Making Direct Debit Management Easy

Our personal, affordable service is the simple solution to managing your Direct Debit collections. No need to set up your own expensive scheme, no need to get approval from your bank.

Let FastPay make it easy while you focus on developing your business instead of wasting precious time and resources chasing money.

FastPay will get you up and running within just 24 hours: we are quick.

FastPay will assign you a fully-branded Service User Number (SUN) so your company name will appear on all bank statements: we are personal.

FastPay will charge you a flat fee per collection: we are affordable.

FastPay will process all payments on your preferred date: we are flexible.

FastPay will inform you of any bounced or cancelled Direct Debits as soon as they occur: we are informative.

FastPay will immediately transfer cleared funds to your account: we are efficient.

FastPay will provide branded paper mandates or help set up an online scheme for your customers: we are adaptable.

BACS Facilities Management Service offers:

Managed Service FAQs

Who's it for?
The FastPay Managed Service is perfect for sole traders, SMEs, charities, limited companies, partnerships and all organisations who regularly collect payments from customers. The convenience of outsourcing this time-consuming job will give you peace of mind that all recurring fees, service charges, rents or donations are being taken care of. FastPay make it easy to choose the right direct debit solution.
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How will my company benefit?
By signing up for managed Direct Debit services with FastPay, your business will benefit from a safe, secure and reliable direct debit service - without having to obtain its own SUN.
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What is a Direct Debit Bureau?
A Direct Debit Bureau will manage your Direct Debit collections on your behalf. At FastPay this includes everything from setting up a Service User Number (SUN) to providing branded mandates with your logo on and regular reporting. Find out more about FastPay's direct debit bureau service.
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How does Managed Direct Debit work? Seven simple steps

1. We provide you with a personalised SUN (Service User Number)
Your unique SUN unlocks the power of Direct Debit for your business. With it you can start to collect regular customer payments efficiently and reliably. Your SUN is also the key to offering afully branded service: your company details, not ours, will appear on customers’ bank statements. You’ll enjoy brand awareness, transparency and trust.
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2. Your customer completes a Direct Debit instruction form online, over the phone or on a paper mandate
Each completed DDI, gives you authorisation to start collecting payments. You can expect a set amount on a set date for an agreed period of time. Provided you give your customer advance notice, you can change their payment plan to suit your needs. Not sure what information you need to collect? FastPay can guide you through the process and provide branded Bacs-approved webforms, phone scrips and paper mandates to make the job even simpler.
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3. You send us their account details, the amounts you wish to debit from your customers and the nominated collection date
Simply upload the details to FastPay, select a collection date that's it, job done. Reassured that the payment is under control, you can focus on the everyday demands of your business. FastPay will take care of everything from now on.
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4. We prepare and submit those details to Bacs for collection and your customer's account will be debited
The payment wheels are now in motion. You can trust FastPay's experienced experts to oversee each transaction professionally and diligently. You'll also be freed from time-consuming admin and the awkward job of chasing late payments.
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5. The Amount will be credited to a Client Trust Account
Your payment has almost reached your bank account. First it needs to be held in a Client Trust Account to meet the strict regulations set by Bacs. We take security seriously. Your money is held in a separate account to prevent cross-contamination. Additionally, we have a failsafe guarantee with our sponsoring bank thanks to a legally binding indemnity.
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6. We pay the money into your bank account once the funds have cleared
With funds swiftly cleared, your customer's money will appear in your bank account. You'll receive the right amount on the right day, as expected. Any issues will be highlighted in reports emailed to you and a comprehensive remittance breakdown. An up-to-date overview to give you complete control.
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7. You check your account and are reassured that payments have been made successfully
Payments will reach you on time with minimum admin and maximum efficiency. With money in the bank, you'll have confidence over cashflow and customer satisfaction.
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See how we can help you

For a bespoke quote or to find out more about our services, just fill out the form.
One of our specialised staff will be in touch as soon as possible.

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