Frequently Asked Questions

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Backed by industry standards

Do we need approval and any formal authorisation from our bank to collect by Direct Debit?
No. A Direct Debit Facilities Management Service such as FastPay can sort out all the formalities on your behalf.
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Must we have our own SUN (Service User Number)?
No. We will obtain one on your behalf. Please see also next question.
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Will our company name appear on our customer's bank statements?
Yes, we will purchase an SUN (Service User Number) from BACS on your behalf and register it to your company. This will ensure that your company name appears on all your BACS reports and on your customers’ bank statements alongside your collections.
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Are there any annual or monthly fees?
On our standard Pay As You Go option, once you have paid your one-off signup fee there are no monthly or annual fees. It is purely pay-as-you-go with individual services being charged for as per our advertised price-list. If you opt for our Flat Rate package, there is no set-up fee and you would just pay £49 per month for up to 100 debits. Please see our Pricing page for further details.
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Direct Debit seems like a very cheap option with FastPay; are there any hidden costs?
No, there are no hidden costs. We pride ourselves on our clear transparent pricing structure and our full price-list is available as a download from our website.
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How much does it cost to change the monthly amount I will be collecting from my customers?
There is no charge at all for changing the frequency or the value of your collections. In fact, one of the main advantages of Direct Debit is that you have the ability to change the collection dates and amounts whenever you choose.
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How do I submit my collection files to FastPay?
Our portal gives you access to a comprehensive dashboard containing all your business’ Direct Debit details. To submit your files, you simply log in to the portal and upload when you are ready. You can also access all your latest customer information, submissions and transaction history within a secure environment. Our web portal has been designed to be user friendly and is very easy to use.
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Does FastPay integrate with any accounting packages?
Yes. We integrate with various different accounting packages, such as Xero, Sage & Quickbooks. The integration tools will allow you to both submit your invoices without the need to manually input information and reconcile the invoices. You will also be able to submit exported files from most CRM providers.
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Do you have an API that my software can integrate with?
Yes. Our API can seamlessly integrate with your billing/CRM software, thus eliminating the need for manual input by you or your staff. You can integrate as much or as little as you like, including adding and amending Direct Debits, reviewing payees and payments, and arranging automatic re-presents. The FastPay API opens up a new world of digital possibilities and will become an invaluable part of your operation.
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How soon do I get my money once it has been collected?
All monies are forwarded to you as soon as they are cleared. This is generally two working days after the collection. There are various options as to how we pay you and the choice is yours.
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How are our funds protected when using your service?
We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2017, registration number 939431, for the provision of payment services. Additionally, we are a Bacs-approved Bureau and an Accredited Facilities Management Provider. All monies are held in a specially designated client/trust account and your monies are therefore protected by the legislation that governs such accounts.
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What should I do with the ADDACS and AUDDIS reports?
We will have updated our records and you should do so likewise.
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What is meant by BACS?
Bacs payment services are operated and managed by Pay.UK Limited, a membership organisation consisting of 16 of the UK's leading banks. It is a non profit organisation that is used by the Banks and other organisations to facilitate the transfer and collection of monies electronically through the banking system. It is run by a membership-based industry body and the entire process is closely regulated.
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What is a BACS AUDDIS File and how does it differ from a BACS Collection File?
A BACS file is the method by which you submit your instructions to BACS. There are two types of submission to BACS: One is known as an AUDDIS file, the other is a Collection file. An AUDDIS file (AUDDIS = Automated Direct Debit Instruction Service) is a set of instructions relating to the setting up or cancellation of Direct Debit instructions, whereas a collection file consists of monetary collections. Whilst both types of instructions (AUDDIS & collections) can be submitted together (i.e. in one submission file,) BACS will nevertheless separate those instructions into two separate files.
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What sort of ongoing support do you provide and how much does it cost?
We provide lifetime support by phone or email completely FREE OF CHARGE. So contact us on 0161 737 5290 or drop us an email at with any queries you may have.
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How often can I upload a collection file?
With FastPay you can upload your collection files as often or as seldom as you choose depending on your requirements. Some of our clients send us several files per day whilst others send their collection files just once a year!
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Can we offer our customers a choice of payment dates?
Similar to the previous question, that is entirely up to you and is restricted only by the frequency with which you plan to upload files to us. It should be noted, that you can combine collections of multiple dates within the same file as long as the dates for each collection are provided within the file.
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Can our customer authorise the set up of their Direct Debit Instruction online?
Yes, if you have opted for our Paperless option you will be able to accept instructions via your website or over the telephone without requiring the payer’s physical signature. You could either use our online Direct Debit sign-up pages which can be branded and customised to your bespoke requirements, or can create your own pages to be used. You can also always use a paper-based mandate to obtain your customer's authorisation.
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What is the Mandatory Advance Notice Letter?
The rules of the Direct Debit Scheme require that before making your first collection from any individual customer you must send them an Advance Notice of Direct Debit wherein you will confirm the bank details they have provided you with, the Direct Debit reference you will be using for your collections and the collection arrangement. FastPay will supply you with a template to this letter (and any other letters that you may need too).
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Which checks are required to validate the information a payer provides on setting up?
Modulus checking (which allows you to validate your customer’s account details) is required by BACS prior to submitting any account details to them. FastPay provides the facility for you to carry out this check.
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When do we receive BACS reports?
BACS reports are forwarded to you as soon as they are received. Bounced payments are almost always received the day after collection and other reports will be generated as and when they are actioned by the payer’s bank.
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When can we recharge unpaid Direct Debits?
You can recharge them as soon as you choose, with or without informing payers. However, it is considered good practice to contact the payers either by calling or writing to them and inform or agree with them on a new collection date. This helps to ensure that they will have the required funds in their account to prevent yet another bounce.
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What are the ARUDD and ADDACS reports?
ARUDD or Automated Returned Unpaid Direct Debit details payers that have not paid. ADDACS or Automated Direct Debit Amendments and Cancellations details payers that have either cancelled their Direct Debit Instruction through their bank or have had their account details amended, for example when moving banks.
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How do I open an account with FastPay?
It is easy as 1-2-3. You can download our one-page application form from the downloads page on our website and, once completed, fax or email a copy to us. We will respond with a short BACS questionnaire about your business activities and as soon as we have the answer to those question we will commence processing your application.
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